


dhf是什么意思?设计历史文件( DHF )与设备主记录( DMR )与设备历史记录( DHR ) 之间的差异

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来源:飞速度医疗器械咨询  发布时间:2024-12-25  




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  引言:随着国际贸易和交流的日趋频繁,医疗器械从业者们常常面对不同国家和区域有关医疗器械管控的要求。由于各国对医疗器械监管的差异,术语和要求也存在不同。今天,为大家介绍设计历史文件( DHF )与设备主记录( DMR )与设备历史记录( DHR ) 之间的差异和其包含的文件清单。


DHF – Design History File The DHF is the design history file.

DHF 是设计历史文档。

  As you go through the design anddevelopment process for your medical device, the documentation that you createis going to be contained here.


  According to the FDA, the designhistory file shall contain or reference the records necessary to demonstratethat the design was developed in accordance with the approved design plan andthe requirements of this part ( 21CFR Part 820.30 ) . Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain a DHFfor each type of device.

  根据 FDA 的规定,设计历史文件应包含或引用必要的记录,以证明设计是根据批准的设计方案和 21 CFR Part 820.30 的要求制定的。每个制造商应为每种类型的器械建立和保存 DHF 文档。

  The actual idea of the DHF is fairlystraightforward. In practice, that can be a bit of a challenge if you don’t compileit as you go.

  DHF 的实际意图相当简单。如果你在实践中不去编写它,这可能是一个挑战。

  You need to include or provide a referenceto all of the records related to the activities you did during the design anddevelopment process.


  That means you need all of the user needsand design inputs you came up with at the start of the project.


  All of the design outputs that yougenerated to build the device.


  All of the designverification and validation protocols and reports .


  Plus, all of design reviews that went alongwith all of that…and don’t forget everything for transferring the device tomanufacturing too.

  此外,与此相关的所有的设计评审 ... 不要忘记把器械转移到生产的过程。

  Once you’ve gotten all of those documentscompiled into your DHF, the next acronym that needs to be tackled is the DMR.

  一旦将所有这些文档编写到 DHF 中,需要解决的下一个首字母缩略词就是 DMR 。

DMR – Device Master Record The DMR is the device master record.

DMR 是器械主记录。

  Everything you need to know to build andtest the device is contained here.


  According to the FDA, the DMR foreach type of device shall include, or refer to the location of, the followinginformation:

  根据 FDA 的规定,每种医疗器械的 DMR 应包括或提及以下信息的位置:

  (a) Device specificationsincluding appropriate drawings, composition, formulation, componentspecifications, and software specifications;


  (b) Production processspecifications including the appropriate equipment specifications, productionmethods, production procedures, and production environment specifications;


  (c) Quality assuranceprocedures and specifications including acceptance criteria and the qualityassurance equipment to be used;


  (d) Packaging and labelingspecifications, including methods and processes used;


  (e) Installation,maintenance, and servicing procedures and methods.


  Each manufacturer shall ensure that eachDMR is prepared and approved in accordance with 21CFR Part 820.40.

  每个制造商应确保每个 DMR 按照 21 CFR Part 820.40 进行准备和批准。

  Some parts of this should sound a lot likewhat you just got done compiling in the DHF.

  这里的部分内容很像刚刚提到的 DHF 的编写。

  The device specifications, packaging and labeling specificationswere part of the design outputs you created earlier.


  The production process specifications werepart of the design transfer youdid earlier as well.


  Even the quality assurance procedures andspecifications were created earlier, because those include defining theacceptance criteria which is part of design output.


  The good news is that the FDA only requiresyou to reference the required items, not duplicate them.

  好消息是, FDA 只要求你参考所需的项目,而不是重复它们。

  If you were really organized in thecreation of your DHF, it’s going to be really easy to reference that locationin your DMR.

  如果你准备了要创建的 DHF ,那么在你的 DMR 中引用它将非常容易。

  The difference between the DHF and the DMRis in that first letter – design vs. device. DHF 与 DMR 之间的区别在于第一个字母 - 设计与器械。

  The DHF is focused on the history of thedesign and ensuring it was done according to the FDA regulations.

  DHF 侧重于设计的历史,并确保按照 FDA 的规定进行。

  The DMR is focused on the device andensuring you have all of the necessary items to build, test, package, andservice it.

  DMR 侧重于器械,确保拥有制造,测试,包装和维护所有必需的项目。

  Now that you’ve designed the device (DHF)and have the recipe to build and test it (DMR), it’s time to actually make thedevice.

  现在你已经设计了该器械( DHF )并且拥有了“处方”来构建和测试它( DMR ),现在是时候制造器械了。

  That’s when the DHR comes into play.

  也就轮到 DHR 发挥作用了。

DHR – Device History Record The DHR is the device history record.

DHR 是器械历史记录

  Everything you did to make the device iscontained here.


  According to the FDA, the DHR shallinclude, or refer to the location of, the following information:

  根据 FDA 的规定, DHR 应包括或参阅以下信息:

  (a) The dates of manufacture;


  (b) The quantity manufactured;


  (c) The quantity released fordistribution;


  (d) The acceptance records whichdemonstrate the device is manufactured in accordance with the DMR;

  证明器械的制造符合 DMR 的检验记录

  (e) The primary identification label andlabeling used for each production unit;

  主要的标签和对应每个产品的标签 ;

  (f) Any unique deviceidentifier (UDI) or universal product code (UPC), and any other deviceidentification(s) and control number(s) used.


  Each manufacturer shall establish andmaintain procedures to ensure that DHR's for each batch, lot, or unit aremaintained to demonstrate that the device is manufactured in accordance withthe DMR and the requirements of this part.

  每个制造商都应建立和保存程序,以确保每个批次或单位的 DHR 都能确保证明该设备是按照 DMR 和本部分的要求制造的。

  The device history record is literally thehistory of the device.


  Everything that you complied in the DMR wasused to make the device.

  制作设备的所有内容都编写在 DMR 中。

  The history and information on how you madethe device in accordance with the DMR is stored in the DHR. Much like the DHFis the history of the design, the DHR is the history of the device.

  根据 DMR 制作设备的历史和信息都记录在 DHR 中。就像 DHF 是设计的历史一样, DHR 是设备的历史。

  DHF vs. DMR vs. DHR While these three acronyms can seeconfusing and easily interchangeable when you first hear them, if you look atthe actual terms, they’re surprisingly descriptive.


  DHF - Design History File DHF- 设计历史文档

  DMR - Device Master Record DMR – 器械主文档

  DHR - Device History Record DHR – 器械历史记录

  You start with the history of the design,which leads to the record of how to build and test the device, which leads tothe history of the device you actually made.


  If you’re like me, the part you mix up themost is when the D stands for design vs. device.

  你可以像我一样,最容易混淆的部分是 D ,代表设计和器械。

  I keep them straight by remembering that Ineed a file for the design and a record of the device.


  When I see the R at the end, I know it’sdevice related.

  当我看到最后的 R 时,我知道它是与器械相关的。

  Hopefully that simple trick will help clearup any lingering confusion.



